Romance World

Review Corner

Strangers At Dawn

By Elizabeth Thornton

Genre: Historical

Setting: England

Time Period: 1807

Publisher/Date: 11/99

Sensuality Rating: PG-13

Male Lead: Maxwell Worthe

Female Lead: Sara Carstairs

Sara Carstairs was accused of killing her sister's husband. She stood trial and was labeled as a loose woman who had slept with just about every man who came her way besides being a cold-blooded murderess. The body of William Neville was never located. Sara is acquitted in court but found guilty by public opinion and newspaper publisher Max Worthe.

Max Worthe isn't surprised when Sara is acquitted but he's sure she's guilty. He intends to pursue the story until the body of William Neville is located. Three years later, fate throws Sara and Max together.

This story gripped me from the first page! I couldn't stop reading until the last page was finally read. I let my work slide and didn't get out of bed until I finished - I can't think of a better recommendation.